Wednesday, October 17, 2012


I have the privilege of teaching 15 kindergartners twice a week. I'm a science teacher and every week I prepare two experiments for the little ones. They LOVE science days. Their infautaion with simple pleasures mature adult minds ignore amazes me. I brought in balloons the other day—it made their week. I dropped mentos in a 2 liter of diet coke, a coke fountain erupted and they all got a mento, they screamed like it was new years eve.

Throughout the course of the class I've come to the realization that these kids live unconsciously in the lucretian sublime, they are epicureans in a broad sense, free from anxiety, without concern or fear of death and the gods. They have no worries, responsibility, and their sole concern is having a fun day in school. They are on a constant pursuit of pleasure, taking life as it comes, juice box to juice box. I think most of us were like this when we were young. Who says we can't stay like it?

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